Friday, March 2, 2012

Is there a mass effect video game guru out there? is there a cheet or tips i could us toget more money?

i am new to the gameIs there a mass effect video game guru out there? is there a cheet or tips i could us toget more money?
Unfortunately, Mass Effect is a 'standard' old-style RPG in that you get more money the deeper you get into the game, which, with all the stuff you begin to find later, is precisely when you don't really need it all that much. The only thing I can suggest is, when you find things, don't break them down into Omni-Gel. Save them and then sell them at a shop.Is there a mass effect video game guru out there? is there a cheet or tips i could us toget more money?
i never really needed money for that game as i just picked up items which were better. They admitted money was a Designer floor but if your going for the achievement then you got to sell all your old weapons don't brother buying new ones as they quickly get out of date instead pick up the items you need.

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