Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cerberus daily news in ps3 version of mass effect 2?

I've seen videos of people playing mass effect 2 and when they are at the main menu the laptop at the side opens up and shows the cerberus daily news, when I play that doesn't happen the laptop stays closed and it only tells me that I am connected to EA servers.Cerberus daily news in ps3 version of mass effect 2?
'Mass Effect 2' loaded with extras for PS3, When "Mass Effect 2" was released on the Xbox 360 and PC a year ago, it was a brilliant interstellar marriage of third-person shooter mechanics and RPG depth.

A year later, Bioware is finally giving PlayStation 3 users a chance to experience the wondrous gameplay and story of "Mass Effect" with a souped-up release of "Mass Effect 2". Essentially, a loaded Game-of-The-Year edition, it's bundled with extra features and captures all the excellence of last year's mega-hit. But a handful of design missteps keep it from being truly superior to the 360 version.

For anyone unfamiliar with the Mass Effect series, here's a quick primer. This is a space-themed RPG that casts you as Commander Shepard in a quest to save the galaxy. Humans are second-class citizens in this world, which is run by The Council, a group of alien leaders.

The first game saw Shepard, a human, assemble a rag-tag team and save the galaxy. But "Mass Effect 2" takes place a few years later and opens with Shepard's ship being destroyed. You're left for dead, until Cerberus, a shady group in the first game, reconstructs you to do their bidding. The ensuing quest is filled with intrigue and action as you try to unravel the mystery of the alien race known as the Collectors.
http://articles.nydailynews.com/2011-01-鈥?/a> --------- Mass Effect 2's 'Cerberus Daily News' to go on hiatus, pick back up before more DLC http://www.clashtalk.com/technology/2153鈥?/a> - What is Arrival? (New DLC Leak?) (Mass Effect - Mass Effect http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/鈥?/a> ---------- The Cerberus Daily News is a fictional news network that Bioware used to report In Universe News. Everything reported there is considered Mass effect canon. It stoped reporting just before me2 was released on the PS3. So most of you have probably never read it. It updated for an entire year every day so there is quite a lot to catch up on. Highly recomended.
Everything reported after jan 24th is considered non canon. The forum and comment sections are heavily populated by roleplayers, so the website makers continued to post news that are not considered canon so that they could keep it up.
Mass Effect 2

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