Friday, March 9, 2012

Mass effect 3 confusion?

i have seen the latest video of mass effect 3 on;t=413

1. Mass Effect 3 will have fewer party characters than Mass Effect 2. Is it true ? I mean they are fool not to have more party membersMass effect 3 confusion?
Fans complained that you couldn't talk to all squadmates after a mission, like in ME1. Hence the now infamous line "Can it wait for a bit? I'm in the middle of some callibrations." The devs said ME3 will have less squadmates than ME2 so they can develop them further. Characters will have more depth and interact with each other on missions.
Mass Effect 3 is cool, I'm loving it, so, emm, check this page, there you know the detailed information of your proble. Usuful indeed.Mass effect 3 confusion?
will hav less from 2nd more from first game
Confirmed Squadmates in ME3 according to the magazines:

* Garrus
* Tali
* Liara
* Ashley or Kaidan
* James Vega

So, 1 new and the 4 from the first game that make the most sense have been confirmed as permanent. There may be more, but those are the ones we know for sure at the moment, and we know it will be a smaller number than in ME2.

ALL the other former permanent squadmates will be in the game in some capacity, but they have roles in the galaxy that they're filling during the invasion and bombardment of the Reapers. Some will be cameos (Jacob for instance is likely to be a cameo) but others, like Wrex and Mordin, have jobs to do which may result in you bumping into them during a mission on their respective homeworlds, in which they may be temporary squadmate.

Word has it that Anderson will also be a temporary squadmate. We may even see characters like Aria and The Illusive Man as possible temporary squadmates.

Fewer permanent squadmates sounds bad at first, but it actually yields some positive possibilities:
* More temporary squadmates that you may or may not see coming.
* Situation-specific banter instead of the silent deadpan faces of your squadmates in ME2 where they rarely reacted to anything. (Imagine if Thane had called you out for taking him down to Pragia, or if Miranda and Jack had more detailed reactions during each others' loyalty missions
* More convos between characters, and more chance of those discussions evolving--can you imagine Kaidan/Garrus and Ashley/Tali banters if you romanced both of them?

Hope that answers your question. :) This did take me aback a little at first, but it could end up working out even better than in the first two games.Mass effect 3 confusion?
yes it is true, there will be fewer party members in mass effect 3. Bioware is doing this because they are focusing on making stronger bonds with certain characters. But, that doesn't mean you wont see any characters that USED to be party members. The main focus in mass effect 3 is to build a large army to fight the reapers. so you aren't recruiting people now, you are recruiting factions. And some of your former squad mates will help you.
Mass Effect 3 Will have less newer characters but more characters from the original such as Ashley
probably saving a few for dlc content like in masseffect 2 think there was 3 members that joined from dlc would not really worry till game is out

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